Friday, February 12, 2010

Where has all the time gone

I'm sitting in my brothers living room babysitting my (almost) 2 year old nephew. It is a Friday night and there is nothing on TV, so a pretty normal Friday evening, so all I have to do is surf the web until my laptop battery dies and wait for my brother to return from his night out. Such evenings often lead to thinking and all I can think of is, where does all the time go. Here are some shocking facts:

  1. My nephew is almost 2, that means it has been a year since his first birthday, 2 years since he was born and about 30 months since I found out his mum was pregnant.
  2. I'm 30
  3. Austin Powers was released 13 years ago.
  4. I've worked for IBM for 8 years, double my original plan.
This isn't me complaining, just realising that I don't know where the time has gone. When I was young a week was a long time, now I blink and it has gone. To make things worse I'm constantly struggling time to do things like, check my emails (210 unread emails this year), surf the web, go to the cinema, meet friends and so on. As you can see I can't even find the time to regularly blog, and when I do I ramble on wondering where my time goes.

So what to do about this? Well it seems to be common that when you want to do something better you spend time measuring. You know the kind of thing, your project is behind schedule so you have daily one hour long meetings with the whole team asking why you are behind until you are back on schedule, or not. So starting tomorrow I'm going to start recording what I do. I bet I discover that rather than being hugely busy I spend too much time at work, watching TV and basically not doing anything when I could be doing these things I'm interested in.

I'll see how it goes.

Twitter: notatibm

1 comment:

Tim said...

Please let us know the results!