Friday, August 31, 2007

SuppressWarnings annotation in Java

I work with a lot of code written prior to Java 5 and the introduction of generics. As a result there are lots of methods that return things like a java.util.List. The type of the objects in this list are all the same. So for example it is a java.util.List, but the method does not say that. As a result you might want to write the following code:

List myStringList = getList();

where getList is defined as:

public List getList();

this results in a warning because a List is not a List so it is potentially unsafe. In these cases the SuppressWarnings annotation can be used. Typically you would have something like this:

public void myMethod()
// some code

List myStringList = getList();

// some more code

the problem with this is that is suppresses uncheck warnings for the whole method. Fortunately suppress warnings can be used right by the definition of myStringList, for example:

public void myMethod()
// some code

List myStringList = getList();

// some more code

at which point it only applies to the line that declares myStringList. It is important to note that this only works when you define and assign to a variable, you cannot do:

myStringList = getList();

This is seriously cool.

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